On 15-17 June, C4DM researchers will participate at the Audio Engineering Society's 2024 European Conference (AES Europe 2024). AES is a leading professional body in the field of audio processing. The theme of this year's european conference is "Echoes of the Past Inspire the Sound of the Future". All papers will also be published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES).
The Centre for Digital Music will be represented in the following papers at the AES 2024:
- Time-of-arrival Estimation and Phase Unwrapping of Head-related Transfer Functions With Integer Linear Programming, by Chin-Yun Yu, Johan Pauwels, and György Fazekas. In this paper, the authors solve two tasks for head-related transfer functions: time-of-arrival and phase unwrapping. They evaluate an algorithm which uses graph-based data structure and integer linear programming – achieving state of the art results.
- The Role of Communication and Reference Songs in the Mixing Process: Insights From Professional Mix Engineers, by Soumya Sai Vanka, Maryam Safi, Jean-Baptiste Rolland, and György Fazekas. The authors identify how context can be incorporated into design of AI-based user-centric auto mixing tools. This is achieved through semi-structured interviews with professionals followed by a questionnaire-based study which corroborates identified themes.
- User preference evaluation of Masking Ratio in multiple speaker scenarios, by Xiaojing Liu. This paper presents an experiment exploring user preferences for the Masker-to-Signal Ratio (MSR) in multi-channel content. This is evaluated through a subjective listening test exploring "preference" and "clarity" in a number of masking conditions.
In addition, Dimitris Menexopoulos will present The State of the Art in Procedural Audio, authored by Dimitris Menexopoulos, Pedro Pestana, and Josh Reiss, which has been published as a paper for the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society.
You can find the full schedule at: https://aeseurope2024.sched.com
See you all there!