C4DM Seminar: Oliver Bown - Understanding Advances in Creative AI through a Sociotechnical Framework
QMUL, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Centre for Digital Music Seminar Series
Seminar by:
Oliver Bown
Date/time: 29th of November, 1:30-15:00
Location: G2, ground floor of Engineering Building, Mile End Campus
Title: Understanding Advances in Creative AI through a Sociotechnical
Abstract: In this talk I introduce and develop the core themes from my book Beyond the Creative Species (MIT Press 2021), in light of the most recent technical and cultural developments in creative AI. At its heart is a sociotechnical analysis that seeks to characterise human creativity in art and music in such a way as to admit and make sense of an emerging machine agency. To do this I draw on a distinction between two ways in which we understand creativity: one, adaptive creativity, that is intrinsically linked with human psychology and is goal oriented, and another, generative creativity, which is a more emergent phenomenon more closely associated with social level processes, and is not goal oriented. In this context I present two recent projects, one examining the dialogic creative potential of GPT and another looking at how startup culture is engaging with music AI.
Bio: http://www.olliebown.com/
C4DM SEMINAR 11-12:00pm
LUNCH BREAK 12-1:30pm
After the talk, we will head somewhere nearby for lunch, please join us!
PhD WORKSHOP 1:30-3pm
In the afternoon following Oliver's talk, we will hold a mini workshop on creative music AI research and innovation. We invite contributions from work in progress across C4DM/AIM/MAT. The aim is to encourage dialogue around related topics so that presenters will give short 10-minute presentations followed by a roundtable discussion.
PhD students interested in participating in the workshop should email me (c.saitis@qmul.ac.uk) by Monday 27 November at 12pm with a title and (very) short description of their research, including one or two questions they would like to see discussed at the roundtable.