29 October to 1 November 2015
Brecht De Man
Last weekend saw the 139th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society in Javits Convention Center in New York City. The annual American AES Convention is the world's main event for all things audio, spanning a wide range of topics including loudspeaker design, music production, hearing aids, game audio and perception, and featuring a huge trade show as opposed to its less industry-heavy annual European counterparts.
A handful of C4DM delegates (Joshua D. Reiss, György Fazekas, Thomas Wilmering, David Moffat, David Ronan, and Brecht De Man) were each involved in multiple sessions.
T. Wilmering, G. Fazekas, Alo Allik and Mark B. Sandler, "Audio Effects Data on the Semantic Web" [Download paper]
D. Ronan, B. De Man, H. Gunes and J. D. Reiss, "The Impact of Subgrouping Practices on the Perception of Multitrack Music Mixes" [Download paper]
Dave Ronan also presented at the Student Design Exhibition with a physical model of a sitar based on a dynamic delay line and the Karplus-Strong model.
Workshops and tutorials
Workshop W20: "Perceptual Evaluation of High Resolution Audio" (Joshua D. Reiss (chair), Bob Katz, George Massenburg and Bob Schulein)
Tutorial T21: "Advances in Semantic Audio and Intelligent Music Production" (Ryan Stables (chair), Joshua D. Reiss, Brecht De Man and Thomas Wilmering)
Workshop W26: "Application of Semantic Audio Analysis to the Music Production Workflow" (György Fazekas (co-chair), Ryan Stables (co-chair), Jay LeBoeuf and Bryan Pardo)
Other events
Brecht De Man and Dave Moffat were responsible for the organisation of the entire Student and Career Development track as the Chair and Vice Chair of the Student Delegate Assembly (Europe and International Regions). These events include a student party (this edition at NYU's James L. Dolan's Music Recording Studio), Student Recording Competition, Student Design Competition, and a very successful edition of the Education and Career Fair.
Dave Ronan represented Queen Mary at the latter, discussing the various taught and research courses with an emphasis on the new MSc in Sound and Music Computing and handing out a lot of QM swag.
High Resolution Audio Technical Committee: Josh
Semantic Audio Analysis Technical Committee: György and Thomas
Education Committee: Dave Moffat and Brecht
Josh also serves as a member of the Board of Governors of the AES.
Upcoming AES events with a C4DM presence
AES UK Analogue Compression - Theory and Practice at British Grove Studios, London, UK (12 November 2015) Members only
Organised by Brecht and 2014-2015 MSc student Charlie Slee
AES UK Audio Signal Processing with E-Textiles at Anglia Rusking University, Cambridge, UK (26 November 2015)
By Becky Stewart (PhD graduate and visiting lecturer)
60th Conference on Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music, and Speech (DREAMS in Leuven, Belgium (3-5 February 2015)
Several C4DM papers
61st Conference on Audio for Games in London, UK (10-12 February 2015)
Brecht and Dave on committee, C4DM papers submitted
140th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society in Paris, France (4-7 June 2016)
If you are attending as a student (undergraduate, master, PhD), please get in touch with Brecht or Dave, and consider submitting a project to the Student Design Competition or Student Recording Competition to receive feedback from industry experts and prizes.
For any questions about the Audio Engineering Society regarding e.g. membership, publications, and local events, please contact Brecht (Chair of the Student Delegate Assembly, Chair of the London UK Student Section, and Committee Member of the British Section) or Dave (Vice Chair of the Student Delegate Assembly).