C4DM announces new releases of three tools of interest to developers of Vamp audio feature extraction plugins and hosts:
##Vamp Plugin Tester v1.1
An essential tool to test your Vamp plugin for common problems before you release it. The tester is a host that knows how to load a plugin, run 20 different categories of test on it, and give diagnostic warnings and errors.
http://vamp-plugins.org/forum/index.php/topic,290.0.html https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/projects/vamp-plugin-tester
##Vamp Test Plugin v1.1
A plugin that generates fixed test data, for use by host developers. Less immediately relevant than the plugin tester.
##jVamp v1.3
An adapter for loading native Vamp plugins into host applications written in Java or other JVM languages (using JNI).