
The Centre for Digital Music is a world-leading, multidisciplinary research group in the field of music & audio Technology. Since its founding members joined Queen Mary in 2001, the Centre has grown to become arguably the UK’s leading Digital Music research group.

With over 100 members, C4DM research spans a wide range of topics in music and audio technology, such as Music Information Retrieval, Music Informatics, Semantic Audio, Semantic Web for Music, Digital Signal Processing for Music and Audio, Audio Engineering, Machine Listening, Sound Synthesis, Music Perception and Cognition, Augmented Instruments, Sonic Interaction Design, and others. For more information, see the People at C4DM, the Research conducted, and our News and Events.

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
E1 4NS
United Kingdom

Internal Site
C4DM Wiki

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© Queen Mary University of London.