On 15-19 November 2021, several C4DM researchers will participate virtually at the 15th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR). CMMR focuses on interdisciplinary aspects related to the role of human interaction in musical practice, perceptual and cognitive aspects linked to sound modelling and how sense or meaning can be transmitted either from isolated sounds or musical structure as a whole.
The following papers authored/co-authored by C4DM members will be presented:
- A framework for music similarity and cover song identification (R Bodo, E Benetos and M Queiroz)
Paper (publicly available on CMMR website/proceedings)
- Zero-shot Singing Technique Conversion (B O'Connor, S Dixon and G Fazekas)
Paper (publicly available on CMMR website/proceedings)
- Modelling Moral Traits with Music Listening Preferences and Demographics (V Preniqi, K Kalimeri and C Saitis)